Our work - highlights


We promote decisions that support Ukrainian cause by means of open letters, debate articles, official statements etc.

In the annual report for 2023, you can read a summary of our activities and projects carried our during the last year.

In 2024, Nordic Ukraine Forum celebrated it's 10-year anniversary.

Panel discussions etc.

By organizing panel discussions and other events we create communicative bridges

between Nordic and Ukrainian partners.

Nordic Ukraine Advocacy Summit

An annual event bringing together Ukrainian advocacy actors in the Nordic countries and Ukraine.

Head and vice head of Nordic Ukraine Forum recieved an award "Europeans of the year 2023" for their contribution in the fight for free Ukraine.


Since the beginning of the war we have been organizing weekly demonstrations in support of Ukraine.


A recurring event focusing on the current issues about Ukraine. Previously known as UkraineVision (renamed in summer 2023).

Інформація для україніців

Корисні посилання для українців, які нещодавно прибули до Швеції. Useful links for Ukrainians who recently arrived to Sweden.

Upcoming events

15/02 Зустріч із художником Гамлетом Зіньківським

15 лютого, в суботу о 12:00 в Armémuseum відбудеться зустріч з українським художником Гамлетом Зіньківським. Гамлет народився у Харкові, працює переважно в жанрі стріт-арту та ілюстрації.

Захід безкоштовний, але реєстрація обов'язкова.
N.B.! This event will be held in Ukrainian.

16/02 Demonstration mot rysslands krig i Ukraina

Демонстрація на підтримку України

Друзі, побачимося на демонстрації на підтримку України у неділю 16-го лютого, о 12:00 у Стокгольмі на Sergels Torg!

See you at the demonstration in support of Ukraine on Sunday, February 16th, at 12:00 p.m., Sergels Torg!

Demonstration på treårsdagen av den fullskaliga ryska invasionen

On the third anniversary of Russia's full-scale invasion war, we invite you to a broad, non-partisan demonstration to show together the unity and strength of the demand: RUSSIA MUST IMMEDIATELY LEAVE UKRAINE!

See you on Monday, February 24th, at 18:00 at Sergels Torg in Stockholm!