Books for future
During 2022-2023, Nordic Ukraine Forum run a fundraising campaign to buy, bring and spread Ukrainian books for children in Sweden. We disseminated 5000 books during this period.
This project was initiated to provide direct support to:
95% of funds were spend on book purchasing, and only 5% - on operational costs such as transportation.
How many Ukrainian children are there in Sweden?
As of September 2023 according to the Swedish Migration office ~39 000 have applied for protection seeking.
The Ukrainian Embassy in Sweden had rough estimations that there are 12000 Ukrainian children in Sweden.
Where did we buy books?
We established a direct contact with more than 15 publishing houses in Ukraine, such as Vivat, The Old Lion, Sova, Ranok and others
What kind of books did we purchase and for what age?
Books for 2-16 year olds, including: textbooks, workbooks, colouring books, story books with stickers, activity books, riddle books.
How did we distribute the books?
We were in touch with Ukraine-related organizations and initiatives all over Sweden. We donated books to Swedish municipal and school libraries.