Nordic Ukraine Advocacy Summit 2024 in Helsinki, Finland

During June 14-15th, 2024, Nordic Ukraine Forum together with Ukrainian Association in Finland and with support from Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Nordic Countries Project hosted the second Nordic Ukraine Advocacy Summit in Helsinki, bringing together Ukrainian advocacy actors in the Nordic countries and Ukraine.

The primary objective of the Summit was to bring together civil society actors in the Nordics advocating for Ukraine's interests, in order to facilitate introductions, share plans for the near future, establish connections, and discuss opportunities for cooperation. In particular, participants learned about the work being done by Ukrainian advocacy organizations in other countries, discussed best practices and challenges, and brainstormed ideas for future cooperation.

The Summit featured four panel discussions and talks by distinguished speakers representing the Finnish Parliament, Finnish MFA, Finnish Research Institute and Ukrainian leading actors:

  • Ukraine Victory: Nordic interests and role?
  • Preparing for and preventing the future russian aggression
  • Strategy for russia’s withdrawal from the war: What is NOT Ukraine’s victory?
  • What is advocacy and how to do it?

The program also featured workshops on pan-Nordic and country-specific strategies for CSOs to support Ukrainian Victory.

Participating organizations signed a joint declaration, pledging to intensify their international cooperation in order to accelerate Ukrainian victory and recovery.

Organizations that participated in the summit 2024 included:

  • Association af Ukrainere i Danmark

  • Aurora4UA ry, Finland

  • Congress of Ukrainians of Estonia

  • Den ukrainske forening i Norge

  • Félag Úkraínumanna á Íslandi, Iceland

  • Finland Ukraina Ostrobotnia Kalyna, Finland

  • International Center of Ukrainian Victory (ICUV)

  • Nordic Ukraine Forum, Sweden

  • Pohjois-Pohjanmaan Ukrainalaisten yhdistys (Ukrainians of Northern Ostrobothnia)

  • Tampereen ukrainalaisten yhdistys Suomessa ry, Finland

  • Ukrainalaisten yhdistys Itä-Uudellamaalla ry (Eastern Uusimaa)

  • Ukrainalaisten yhdistys Kouvola, Finland

  • Ukrainian Association in Finland / Ukrainalaisten yhdistys Suomessa (UYS), Finland

  • Ukrainian Dialogues, Copenhagen, Denmark

  • Ukrainan Yhdistys Pietarsaaressa ry, Finland

  • Ukraine House in Denmark

  • UKRAINETT – Norwegian Network for Research on Ukraine

  • Ukrainian Security and Cooperation Centre (USCC)

  • Ukrainska Föreningen Östergötland, Sweden

  • Ukrainska Sällskapet i Göteborg, Sweden

    Contact us at if you are interested in further information.

    The list of distinguished speakers at the Summit

    Participants 2024

    Partners 2024